With our first paycheck of the Fall 2024 semester right around the corner, we want to ensure that every graduate worker at the University of New Mexico gets paid every cent that they deserve. Unfortunately, there have been instances in past semesters in which the university has underpaid its workers.
UNM administration relies on worker ignorance to get away with underpaying you and your fellow workers. The truth is that our union fought for higher compensation in our last contract negotiation, in which we bargained for and secured a 4.5% raise across the board for all assistantship contracts. For exact details about what we won in this contract negotiation related to graduate worker pay, you can read Article 5 of our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
Here at our union, we are combating this worker ignorance by educating every worker. We want to make sure you know exactly how much you’re supposed to be paid.
How can I check if my paycheck is correct?
To ensure that graduate workers know how much they’re supposed to be getting paid, our volunteers have created a wage calculator to ensure that workers get paid properly. Click here to access the UGW wage calculator, so you can make sure that UNM is paying you correctly.
What information do I need to use the wage calculator?
There are several documents that you will need to use to input values into the wage calculator.
- Your most recent paystub (we receive the first paycheck of Fall 2024 on August 31)
- Your last paystub from Spring 2024 (should be dated May 30, 2024).
Click here for UNM Payroll’s page about accessing your paystubs.
What if I don’t understand how to use the wage calculator?
That’s okay. For your convenience, we have created a step-by-step instructional for how to use our wage calculator.
What should I do if I’m not being paid correctly?
If you are being underpaid, our union stewards are here to represent you and make sure you get paid what you’re supposed to! To get in contact with a union steward in your department, click here. Your department steward will help you through the process of getting properly compensated what you’re entitled to according to the CBA, and will fight to ensure they cannot take advantage of you.