Graduate employees at UNM each generate more than $60,000 in value annually through our labor. But despite our contributions to the University, we are not at the table when important decisions are made that affect our work lives.
We have tried online petitions, participating in task forces, even marching in support of change at the university. But graduate employees still lack meaningful participation in decisions over important issues like appointments, funding, and the impacts of COVID-19.
With a union, we will have the power of 1600 graduate employees standing together to achieve our common goals. The administration will be legally required to sit down and bargain in good faith with us as equals. We can win a strong grievance procedure that will allow us to raise issues at all levels and ensure that our concerns will be addressed swiftly without retaliation of any kind. And we will have a union contract – a legally binding document that we negotiate that covers our compensation, benefits, and working conditions – that can’t be changed without bargaining with us first.