Ramona Malczynski

Vice President of UE Local 1466 UGW (Spring 2023 – Present)

Ramona is a fifth-year PhD candidate in Geography and Environmental Studies. Her dissertation research is on environmental history and justice in Albuquerque, where she grew up! She initially volunteered in our union since soon after our card drop during our unionization drive in Fall 2020. She served on our union’s initial Organizing Committee, as the Chair of our Interim Coordinating Committee and eventually as Political Action Chair and Vice President on Executive Council. She has also been on all three of our Bargaining Committees and served as co-lead negotiator in our last two compensation re-openers with the University Administration. Being a part of the movement, seeing the change that our union’s collective efforts have brought to UNM, and how it has collectively improved the lives of graduate workers have been some of the most fulfilling experiences of her life!

Email: rmalcz@unm.edu

Phone: (505) 417-5556

Speaks: English, Spanish