Our UGW-UE Department Stewards

(Click on each steward’s name to find out more about them and how to get in touch. Para español, haz clic aquí)

Are you working more hours than your contract dictates? Did you not get the raise dictated by our Spring 2024 Contract Re-opener? Are you feeling unsafe in your work environment?

Your elected union stewards are trained to help you navigate problems that UNM graduate workers are dealing with in the workplace, and to help enforce our Collective Bargaining Agreement with UNM administration.

Please reach out to any of the stewards below to get help with the issue you are having. No problem is too big or too small – if its a missing paycheck or benefits health and safety issues in the lab or classroom, an unfair situation in the workplace, or something else impacting the UNM community, we can help in some way! Even if you aren’t sure whether or not we can help with the particular issue you are facing, please ask! Stewards can also answer general questions about the contract or grievance procedure.

CollegeArea Steward(s)Stewards
College of Arts & SciencesJosh Heckman-Archibeque, American Studies, heckmanj@unm.edu

Alicia Esquivel, Sociology, aliciaesquivel@unm.edu

Dominic Oddo, Physics and Astronomy, doddo@unm.edu
Sarah Knopp, American Studies, sarahlknopp@gmail.com

Abi Granath, Biology, absgranath@unm.edu

Eve Tipps, Biology, etipps830@unm.edu

Jarek Maleszka, Chemistry, jmaleszka@unm.edu

Jerome Chavez, Chicana/Chicano Studies, jchavez999@unm.edu

Sofie Hecht, Communications & Journalism, shecht1@unm.edu

Cam Chavez Reed, Earth and Planetary Sciences, creed5@unm.edu

Ashley Bernardo, English, abernardo@unm.edu

Gabriel Garcia, English, gabegarcia@unm.edu

Katie Slack, Geography, kslack1@unm.edu

Max Pagano, Languages, Cultures, & Literature, mpagano@unm.edu

Jadin Moore, Linguistics, jmoore12@unm.edu

Nate Kornetzke, Math, nkornetzke@unm.edu

Wilber Dominguez, Physics and Astronomy, wdoming1@unm.edu

Carlie Sivils, Psychology, csivils@unm.edu

Nick Chavez, Spanish & Portuguese, nchavez12@unm.edu

Oona Takano, Department of Biology, otakano@unm.edu
School of EngineeringAlex Baten, Chemical and Biological Engineering, (abaten@unm.edu)

Jarrod Ronquillo, Engineering, (jarrodronquillo@unm.edu)
Carolina Shaheen, Engineering, cshaheen@unm.edu

Surya Bijjala, Mechanical Engineering, suryabteja@unm.edu
College of Fine ArtsUnoccupied
College of Education or School of Architecture & PlanningFerda Didar Ünal (didarunal@unm.edu)
Health Sciences Center, Anderson School of Management, or the School of Public AdministrationAnna Rose, Anderson School of Management, (arose5@unm.edu)